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4. Project best practice: Defining your project’s boundaries upfront

Get everything you know about your project on paper to define it before you get started

What is it good for?

  • Building a shared understanding of your project with your team
  • Setting clear boundaries around what your project is and isn’t
  • Create a source of truth for your project

When to use it

Before you get started on a project

Get the tool

Make a copy of the PID template here and create a Project Initiation Document to kick your projects off on the right foot:

How to use it

While process might make some people's eyes glaze over, establishing the right structure before starting is crucial for project success.

At CAST we use a Project Initiation Document (PID) to build a shared understanding of our projects from the very start.

The project leader creates this document, outlining their understanding of the project and its planned execution.

The PID covers sections on:

  • Budget
  • Team capacity
  • Roles and responsibilities
  • Stakeholders
  • Objectives
  • Outputs
  • Approach
  • And more

After completing the first draft, the project leader reviews it with key team members to refine and enhance the content.

The PID document evolves throughout the project's lifecycle, serving as a central hub for important information and references.

Feel free to make your own copy of the document and start setting up your projects for success.